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Why is there an infatuation with Y2K this year?



The nostalgia of the 2000s paired with the look to the future is contradictory - is our generation looking for

a space in time between these two phenomenons


A space not in the past or future, and therefore a space we can carve as our own


While history has been tainted, brutalised and written by those in power, those same figures of power exist today as leaders who are widening the wealth gap and allowing policies that exacerbate global warming. In the future, these same figures will be flying off into space once the world has been destroyed under their greed. 

Y2K represents a space in time neither in the past nor future. Does indulging with this provide us respite from all the other shit we feel we have no control over

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Visual explorations into Y2K are in development with photography by @drowning.carpets 

Check back here for further thoughts and developments. 

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